Heavy exchanges of fire have been taking place around Rafah in the Gaza Strip despite the 72-hour cease-fire that was meant to come into force at 8 am this morning. According to reports, six armed men who emerged from a tunnel were killed and more than twenty were hit by artillery fire. The IDF has said that it fears that an Israeli soldier may have been captured when Hamas laid an ambush for IDF forces during the cease-fire. The soldier's family has been informed and efforts are being made to locate him. RELATED ARTICLES Israel, Hamas agree 72-hour truce Don't expect Gazans to topple Hamas A source in the Prime Minister's Bureau said of the recent turn of events, "Hamas and Islamic Jihad have once more flagrantly breached a cease-fire to which they committed. They have thus turned their backs on the UN Secretary General and Secretary of State Kerry." Rocket and mortar fire on Israeli settlements in the border area resumed within two hours of the start of the cease-fire period. Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on August 1, 2014 © Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2013