Israeli startups raised about $260 million during January, according to press releases issued by companies that have completed financing rounds. The figure may be more as some companies prefer not to publicize the investments they have received.
This is a sluggish start to 2018, taking into account that Israeli startups raised a record $5.24 billion in 2017, according to IVC-ZAG, up from $4.8 billion in 2016, which was itself a record.
There were few large financing round completed during January. Among the companies that reported raising large amounts were: cybersecurity company AlgoSec, which raised $36 million; smart car communications company Nexar, which raised $30 million; medical device company Tyto Care, which raised $25 million; on-line loan company EZbob, which raised $21 million; people search engine piple, which raised $19 million; cybersecurity company BigID, which raised $14 million; IoT security company VDOO, which raised $13 million; and delivery logistics platform Bringg, which raised $12 million.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on January 31, 2018
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