Partner CEO reports 40,000 TV customers

Partner CEO Isaac Benbenisti Photo: Amir Gossfried
Partner CEO Isaac Benbenisti Photo: Amir Gossfried

Isaac Benbenisti: Customers won't pay for channels they don't watch.

Partner Communications Ltd. (Nasdaq: PTNR; TASE: PTNR) is continuing its television services campaign, and announced today that it had reached 40,000 subscribers. CEO Isaac Benbenisti cited the figure at a digital conference organized by "TheMarker."

Partner launched its Partner TV services several months ago. The services is based on cooperation with Netflix, whose services Partner is subsidizing for customers for the first six months at a price of NIS 69 a month.

Partner's subscriber figures include paying customers viewing on a smartphone or tablet, and who do not use a converter.

Benbenisti added, "The time when people were willing to have in their homes a closed converter with hundreds of channels that they had to pay for without even once watching has passed. The restrictions on content that hamper us have gone. Today, in an era of open television, you can choose to add to a converter that has channels and VOD, other services such as Netflix, and watch YouTube, download content apps and games, and so forth."

Benbenisti also said, "The abandonment of cable and satellite television is worldwide. In the US, 250,000 households canceled their cable and satellite services last quarter, and five million households are expected to do the same next year. The combination there of a strong desire to part from the old television providers with the trends towards consuming more and more content through a mobile phone is the cause of the explosion that we are witnessing."

Published by Globes [online], Israel Business News - - on December 17, 2017

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Partner CEO Isaac Benbenisti Photo: Amir Gossfried
Partner CEO Isaac Benbenisti Photo: Amir Gossfried
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