Sde Dov penthouse sells for NIS 19.5m

Avisror Sde Dov penthouse credit: Viewpoint
Avisror Sde Dov penthouse credit: Viewpoint

The buyers are a young couple from north Tel Aviv working in the tech industry.

Avisror Moshe & Sons has sold a penthouse in the Ashira project in Sde Dov in north Tel Aviv for NIS 19.5 million, the company says. The buyers are a young couple from north Tel Aviv working in the tech industry.

The penthouse sold by Avisror is 144 square meters with a 95 square meter balcony on the 15th floor of one of the buildings in the project. Although this is not the most expensive apartment ever sold in Sde Dov, it reflects a high price of NIS 103,000 per square meter, about 30% above the average deal in the quarter.

So far Avisror has signed 70 deals for apartments in the Ashira project, with the average price being NIS 70,000-75,000 per square meter. Israel-Canada reported in its first quarter results that the average price of apartments it had sold in its Rainbow project in Sde Dov, in which 200 apartments have been sold, was NIS 82,000 per square meter.

It is not uncommon in the high-end market for an individual deal to reflect a price well above average. For example, a 260 square meter penthouse in Sde Dov was recently sold for NIS 26 million - that is NIS 100,000 per square meter, close to the price Avisror has now received in its penthouse sale.

Avisror VP marketing and sales Yoram Avisror said, "The deal reflects the attractiveness of Ashira and the high demand for the project. We have currently received the permit for earthworks and very soon we will start the construction process. We are delighted by the confidence shown in us by our new buyers."

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on August 12, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Avisror Sde Dov penthouse credit: Viewpoint
Avisror Sde Dov penthouse credit: Viewpoint
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