The NIS 2.9 billion tender includes 10 kilometers of tunnels and seven underground stations.
Shikun u'Binui Holdings Ltd. (TASE: SKBN) unit Solel Boneh controlled by Shari Arison and China Railway Tunnel Group (CRTG) have won the huge tender to build the tunnels and underground stations in the western section of the Tel Aviv light rail's red line. The award was announced today by the tenders committee NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd. This tender is worth NIS 2. 9 billion and is the largest tender in the project.
The western section includes two parallel 5 kilometer tunnels and six underground stations at Allenby St., Shderot Yehudit, Shaul Hamelekh Blvd., Arlozorov St., Abba Hillel St in Ramat Gan, and Bialik St. Solel Boneh beat the bids by Italian engineering company Ghella and the joint bid of Danya Cebus Ltd. (TASE: DNYA) and French company Vinci.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on May 19, 2015
© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2015
Tel Aviv light rail
Amiram Barkat and Hedy Cohen