Call for Entries: Globes ranks Israel's Best Law Firms

Globes and international business data company Statista are calling for entries for the ranking of Israel's best law firms.

Israeli financial newspaper Globes, in partnership with international business data company Statista, is launching a new project: Israel's Best Law Firms 2022.

The rankings will be published in March 2022. The aim of the project is to provide law firms in Israel and worldwide, with practical tools for locating the most suitable and best law firms for their needs. The ranking also strives to give the most up-to-date look at the structure of the sector in Israel and the value it can offer over time.

The survey on which the rankings will be based will be conducted among lawyers and their peer as well as their clients - and on the broadest scale.

Lawyers and legal experts interested in taking part in the survey are invited to apply for a place

Here is the methodology

Meet Statista

With a database of more than 1 million statistics, Statista, is one of the world's leading business data platforms for analyzing strategic markets, statistics and providing research findings. is a major portal providing access to data, insights and trends on more than 80,000 topics and 170 industries. The portal contains proprietary surveys, exclusive secondary sources and data from more than 22,500 sources.

Statista, which is headquartered in Germany and was founded in 2007, has more than 1,000 employees in 12 cities worldwide. Statista offers its more than 1.5 million registered users from business, science and the public sector access to high-quality and reliable data and statistics, according to scientific standards.

Statista's Research & Analysis Department conducts analyses and research for its customers.

Statista's customers include multinational corporations, more than 2,000 universities and technical schools, leading consultancy and management companies, advertising agencies, trade organizations, banks and financial institutions, political NGOs and many others. Partners to its project in the media and communications include The Financial Times, Forbes, The Independent, El Mundo, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Business Insider, and LinkedIn.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on September 22, 2021

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