Jerusalem Mayor opens new Road 1 interchange

Moshe Lion Photo: Yossi Zamir
Moshe Lion Photo: Yossi Zamir

The Ramat Shlomo Interchange in northeast Jerusalem is on the highway between Ramot and French Hill.

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion opened the Ramat Shlomo interchange on Road 1 in Jerusalem at the end of last week. The NIS 130 million project of the Ministry of Transport and the Jerusalem Municipality was implemented by the Moriah Jerusalem Development Corporation. The project included widening the Yigal Yadin Boulevard section of Road 1, which links Ramot to French Hill, to three lanes.

Ramat Shlomo is an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood on the Shuafat ridge in the northeast of the city. Lion said at the inauguration ceremony, "This is part of the extensive infrastructure development transforming the city in recent years. I am sure that this will ease traffic congestion and serve the area's residents and the entire city. We will continue to develop and move Jerusalem forward."

Moriah is also set to begin work at the eastern end of Yigal Yadin Boulevard on Road 1 on construction of four tunnels extending for 3.5 kilometers. The tunnels beneath the French Hill, Kevarim and Coca Cola junctions will allow the free flow of traffic along Road 1 from Ramot to Pisgat Zeev and Maaleh Adumim. When completed traffic will be able to travel from Tel Aviv to the Dead Sea without passing through any traffic lights.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on October 4, 2020

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Moshe Lion Photo: Yossi Zamir
Moshe Lion Photo: Yossi Zamir
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