Demolition began this morning of the historic Israel TV building on Torah Mezion Street in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Romema. Israel's only TV channel until 1986 carried on broadcasting from there until 2017, when it moved its headquarters, as the newly formed Israel Broadcasting Authority, to Givat Shaul. In its place the Eka Real Estate company is developing a housing project of 308 apartments in six 11-floor buildings. 247 of the apartments will be sold to first time buyers in the government's Mechir Lemishtaken project and 61 apartments will be sold on the free market. The building on the 4.75 acre site was completed in 1960 for diamond polishers and was purchased by Israel TV in 1966. Eka is investing NIS 700 million in the project including the NIS 290 million it cost to buy the land from the Israel Land Authority and the Jerusalem Municipality. The plan was approved by the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee in 2013. Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on June 22, 2021 © Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2021