US approves $20b weapons deal for Israel

F-15 Photo: PR
F-15 Photo: PR

The lion’s share of the package is advanced F-15IA fighter jets worth $18.82 billion.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has approved the sale to Israel of F-15 jets and air-to-air missiles, tactical vehicles, tank cartridges and mortar cartridges costing an overall $20 billion.

The lion’s share of the deal is the F-15 jets worth $18.82 billion. The 32,739 120 millimeter tank cartridges and tank parts cost $774.1 million, an unspecified number of 8-ton trucks costs $583.1 million, 30 medium-range AIM-120 Amram missiles from Raytheon and Hughes Aircraft cost $102.5 million and 50,000 powerful mortars cost $61.1 million.

What are the new F-15IA fighter aircraft and how are they different from older versions?

The deal includes 50 F-15IA aircraft, which include a powerful computer and AESA radar. The planes will also be equipped with Israeli systems, such as a missile warning system and an advanced helmet. The new model will include advanced FLY-BY-WIRE systems, through which the aircraft's steering is controlled by a computerized system that coordinates between the plane and the pilot.

An F-15IA can reach a speed of Mach 2.5, accelerating from Mach 0.8 to Mach 1.2 in less than 25 seconds. The flight range of the plane is 2,222 km, and it has a maximum ammunition payload capacity of 13,381 kilograms. Another advantage is that its operating costs are 25% lower than the F-15I.

Can the deal be stopped?

The deal has been on the table since April, but only now has the Secretary of State approved the sale, which will be submitted to Congress for approval. Various senators, including Chris Van Hollen (Democrat) of Maryland, have already announced plans to oppose the sale. With the announcement, a 30-day time window opens in which Congress can act to stop the deal by passing a resolution.

When will the weapons be delivered?

Despite Israel’s urgent need for the weapons, even if Congress approves the move soon, delivery of the F15-IA fighter aircraft and other arms is expected to start between 2026-2029, with the planes towards the end of that period. "The United States is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to US national interests to assist Israel to develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability," the Pentagon said.

An official in the Secretary of State’s office told the CBS that the weapons are for maintaining and building Israel's overall long-term defensive capability. The official said that most of the products will be delivered in several installments, with the F-15 planes taking Boeing at least a decade to fully deliver. As part of the new deal, not only will Israel receive new F-15s, but also the existing F-15s in Israel will be upgraded with, for example, new engines and radars.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on August 14, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

F-15 Photo: PR
F-15 Photo: PR
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