Israel Bar Association under siege
The lawyers' association sees legislation to weaken it, and ultimately abolish it, as revenge for its stance against the government's judicial overhaul program.
Pearl Cohen merges with San Francisco IP firm
Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz is enhancing its presence on the West Coast of the US through a merger with Vierra Magen Marcus (VMM), a boutique firm specializing in intellectual property.
Privacy protection regulator aims to make directors more proactive
At a conference organized by Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz law firm Privacy Protection Authority legal advisor Adv. Reuven Eidelman warned that due to the rise in cyberattacks and data security events, directors are required to ensure the preparedness of their companies.
Beny Steinmetz arrested, released in Athens
Steinmetz's attorney Stavros Togias said, "It is unprecedented for the rule of law in Greece, or any other respected country, for such an administrative act to overturn a decision of the Greek judiciary, which had definitively and irrevocably ruled against his extradition to Romania, recognizing his right to travel freely."
Privacy Protection chief: New regulations prevent cyberattacks
Adv. Vered Zlaikha, Partner and the Head of Cyber Affairs & AI Practice at Lipa Meir & Co: As part of preparations for the amendment coming into effect, organizations must already take a series of steps to ensure closing the gaps in relation to the requirements of the law.
Teva settles opioid suits in Israel
Under the settlement, Teva's insurance company, which as far as is known is not Israeli, will pay the pharmaceutical company $40 million to fully close all potential claims.
Why Apple dropped its lawsuit against NSO
Among other things, Apple cited a report that Israeli government officials had taken NSO documents required for the case, but it is also making PR capital out of the move.