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UK prime minister Sir Keir Starmer  credit: Reuters/Suzanne Plunkett Tax implications for Israelis of the UK election

New immigrants from the UK and Israelis with investments there could be caught by tax changes the new Labour government intends to introduce.

Naty Saidoff  credit: Eyal Izhar Bribery case against Shikun & Binui closed, subsidiaries penalized

Companies in the Shikun & Binui group will pay a total of NIS 260 million in the affair of bribery of public servants in Africa.

Meirav Cohen  credit: Noam Moskowitz, Office of the Knesset Spokesperson Knesset acts to stop swindlers exploiting vulnerable people

An amendment to the Consumer Protection Law empowers the regulator to halt credit clearance for businesses that swindle the elderly, new immigrants, and the disabled.

Israel Police deploying Chinese cameras credit: Eyal Izhar, Shutterstock, Tali Bogdanovsky Israel Police deploying US blacklisted Chinese traffic cameras

License plate recognition cameras manufactured by Dahua and Hikvision have been removed from the national infrastructures of several Western countries in recent years.

High Court of Justice hearing on conscription  credit: Amit Shabi, Yedioth Ahronoth Court rules state must conscript yeshiva students to IDF

The High Court of Justice ruled that the government was violating the principle of equality before the law, and that state support for yeshivas whose students unlawfully avoid conscription must cease.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu credit: Noam Noskovitch Knesset Spokesperson Netanyahu handed warning by submarines procurement probe

The commission said evidence so far indicates Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved the procurements from Germany without due process, and may have created a risk to state security.

Eitan Yochananof and Eyal Ravid credit: Eyal Izhar and Tali Bogdanovsky Supermarket CEOs summoned to criminal hearing on price fixing

The Israel Competition Authority will give Yochananof CEO Eitan Yochananof, Victory CEO Eyal Ravid and others a hearing before an indictment is filed on cartel arrangements.

Eurosatory 2024  credit: Reuters/Benoit Tessier Paris Commercial Court overturns ban on Israelis at Eurosatory

In response to an appeal by the Israel-France Chamber of Commerce, the court ordered the ban to be lifted immediately.

Ilit Raz  credit: Eyal Izhar US authorities file charges against Joonko founder Ilit Raz

The SEC and the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York allege fraud amounting to at least $21 million.

Miri Regev  credit: Amit Shabi, Yedioth Ahronoth Police probe alleged political favors at Transport Ministry

Israel Police raided the ministry today after an investigative Channel 13 program claimed projects were promoted in cities where the mayor supported Transport Minister Miri Regev.

Anti-Israel encampment at Brown credit: Anibal Martel Reuters Divestment by US universities could hit Israel hard

Some top US universities have agreed with pro-Palestinian protestors to discuss divestment after the summer. "Globes" examines the likelihood of such a policy.

Retired judge Eitan Orenstein, Adv. Efi Naveh  credit: Tamar Matsafi, Cadya Levy, processing: Tali Bogdanovsky Police question retired judge, former Bar Association chair

Eitan Orenstein and Adv. Efi Naveh are suspected of bribery over Orenstein's appointment as president of the Tel Aviv District Court.

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara at the Bar Association conference  credit: Israel Bar Association spokesperson Attorney General: Gov't undermining legal watchdogs

Gali Baharav-Miara told the Bar Association conference that checks and balances on government were being dismantled surreptitiously.

Wiz CEO Assaf Rappaport and Orca CEO Gil Geron  credit: Eyal Izhar, Orca Security Orca and Wiz to meet in court

The two Israeli cybersecurity unicorns are embroiled in a lawsuit in which Orca claims that Wiz copied its technology.

International Court of Justice, The Hague  credit: Shutterstock/Ankor Light ICJ orders Israel to halt Rafah operation

The court found that there was an "immediate risk" to the civilian population, and that Israel's measures to protect civilians were inadequate.

Shay Aharonovitz  credit: Eyal Izhar/Tali Bogdanovsky Tax Authority chief heralds crypto disclosure, tech taxation reform

A new voluntary disclosure program is aimed mainly at cryptocurrency players, while new rules will provide greater certainty for investors in Israel's technology sector.

Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the scene of a terrorist attack  credit: Haim Zach, Government Press Office "Not a blow that Israel can shrug off"

"Globes" examines the consequences of the application by the  prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for arrest warrants against Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant.

Adv. Sharon Nahari  credit: Vladimir Dima New hope for Israeli cryptocurrency users

Adv. Sharon Nahari discusses the the prospects of a voluntary disclosure procedure at the Israel Tax Authority for digital currencies.

Israel Tax Authority  credit: Eyal Izhar Tax Authority launches invoice certification program

The Israel Invoices program is designed to combat fictitious invoices, which cost the state billions in tax evasion.

Adv. Matthew Demeo credit: DLA Piper Will Israel ever give employees right to disconnect?

Canada is set to become the latest country to prohibit bosses from contacting employees outside work hours.

Eyal Ravid credit: Omer Vidar Competition Authority summons Victory CEO to hearing

Eyal Ravid, owner and CEO of the supermarket chain, allegedly made public statements about price rises in violation of the Competition Law.

Amikam Ben Zvi credit: El Al Spokesperson El Al chair Amikam Ben Zvi questioned in Netivot graft affair

Police have also questioned Netivot mayor Yehiel Zohar in the affair involving real estate projects in the city. Ben Zvi's lawyer: His conduct will be found to have been irreproachable.

David Ezra credit: Aviv Hofi Penalty imposed on David Ezra for cash in suitcase affair

The Israel Tax Authority has imposed a NIS 850,000 financial sanction on Ezra who was caught at Ben Gurion airport in 2022 with €475,000 in cash in his suitcase.

Shlomo Filber credit: Yossi Zamir State deal with key Netanyahu trial witness canceled

The decision to cancel the state witness agreement stems from contradictions between the evidence he gave in trial and the evidence he gave when questioned by police.

El Al Boeing 777  credit: Danny Sadeh Competition Authority to examine El Al's high fares

El Al: We believe the examination will show that the company has behaved fairly and properly.

Roman Abramovich credit: Reuters/Maxim Shemetov Supreme Court blocks Abramovich donation to ZAKA

Overturning a lower court decision, the Supreme Court says that pending a full hearing of its appeal, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank should not transfer the NIS 8 million donation by Roman Abramovich.

Haredim at IDF recruitment office at Tel Hashomer  credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit Court orders halt to state payments to haredi yeshivas

The High Court of Justice found that from April 1 there will be no legal basis for payments to yeshivas where students are not conscripted into the IDF.

Adv. Vered Zlaikha, Partner and Head of Cyber Affairs and AI Practice at Lipa Meir & Co. Advocates  credit: Roni Cohen Cyberattacks against Israeli companies have tripled

Adv. Vered Zlaikha: Directors should outline strategies and risk management in companies, with cybersecurity one of those risks that must be considered.

Limassol, Cyprus  credit: Shutterstock Tax Authority targets Israelis' ties with Cyprus

Low taxation and cheap real estate have made nearby Cyprus an attractive destination for Israeli investment, with many Israelis moving there.

Shraga Brosh Shraga Brosh handed 14-month sentence for tax evasion

The former Manufacturers Association of Israel president was convicted of evading taxes worth NIS 1.5 million and forging a document that was submitted to the Tax Authority.

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