Peretz and Yacimovich face off for Labor Party leadership today

Peretz said Yacimovich's endorsement by Histradrut chairman Eini is unacceptable.

The second and final round of elections to choose the Labor Party leader is being held today. The two candidates who received the most votes in the first round are contending: MK Shelly Yacimovich and MK Amir Peretz. 66,000 party members will vote in 71 ballot stations, which will be open from 10:00 am until 10:00 pm. Results are expected by midnight.

In the first round of elections held last week, Yacimovich received 32% of votes, and Peretz received 31%. Isaac Herzog, who came in third with 25% of the votes, did not endorse either Yacimovich or Peretz. Amram Mitzna, who came in fourth with 12% of the vote, endorsed Peretz for the second round.

Peretz: the Histradrut's support of Yacimovich is unacceptable

Yesterday, after Histadrut chairman Ofer Eini publicly announced his support of Yacimovich, Peretz (who preceded Eini as Histradrut chairman) appealed to Judge Sara Frisch, appointed to supervise the integrity of the elections, claiming that the move raises, "concern of serious harm to the integrity of the Labor Party elections".

Adv. Uri Ohad, who is representing Peretz, said that, "Since Eini's public endorsement of Yacimovich yesterday, Histradrut branches throughout the country have turned into active campaign stations for Yacimovich. Histradrut employees have been forced to become active supporters of Yacimovich, and in some cases have even received instruction from Avi Yechezkeli, the head regional branches in the Histradrut."

Yacimovich's headquarters rejected the claim entirely and said that this is, "just a new spin that has no connection with reality".

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on September 21, 2011

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