Railways shut down

An Israel Railways communications cable has been damaged, halting most services. Travellers are asked not to come to stations.

Serious disruptions have hit Israel's entire national rail network after an Israel Railways communications cable was damaged, “IDF Radio" (Galei Zahal) reports.

Israel Railways crews are trying to repair the breakdown; it is not yet clear if the damage was deliberate. Until normal rail services are resumed buses are transporting passengers between stations in place of trains.

The underground communications cable that coordinates railway signals has been damaged. The section of the cable hit is between Tel Aviv and Beer Yaakov.

Israel Railways has asked passengers not to come to any of its stations. Loudspeaker systems on station platforms are saying, "There are no more trains until further notice."

Ticket vending machines at stations also say that there are no trains and ask passengers not to buy tickets.

The last major railway breakdown was in October, when a train got stuck on the Yavne-Rehovot line on a single track section thus blocking services in the south.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on December 19, 2011

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