Job vacancies drop

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) began tracking the data in May as part of the accession process to the OECD.

A Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) survey shows that the number of job vacancies in the private sector fell between September and November. While there were about 50,000 jobs vacancies in September, there were an estimated 40,600 job vacancies in November.

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) began tracking the data in May as part of the accession process to the OECD. The survey is considered a part of the main economic indicators serving for diagnosis of current economic developments. The data has not been adjusted for seasonal factors since there is not enough data.

The ratio of job vacancies to complete employee volume (the number of employed people plus job vacancies) fell from 2.4 in September, to 2.2 in October, to 2 in November. In November there were 40,600 job vacancies and 2,015,300 employees and vacancies.

The biggest decrease in the job vacancies in November as opposed to October was in business activities (4,400) and was focused in labor recruitment and provision of personnel and in security and cleaning activities.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on December 15, 2009

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