Human wrongs

Lilac Sigan

Until today, Libya was part of the UN Human Rights council, meaning 155 countries thought Libya was eligible for the job.

I guess extreme circumstances call for extreme measures: The UN Human Rights council has voted to remove Libya from its panel. Yes until today, Libya was part of the UN Human Rights council, meaning 155 countries thought Libya was eligible for the job, overlooking facts that were known to everyone. I hope no-one thinks they were being too hasty with the decision to kick Kaddafi off the panel! What about you?

Let’s admit it: does the fact that Kaddafi is a ruthless killer come as a great surprise to anyone? I mean, the guy was the greatest sponsor of world terror until Ahmedinijad came along. But did anyone care? Not really. The world needed his sweet oil at a good price, so everyone chose to look the other way. Libya was also a member of the UN Security Council until a year ago. And even after the awful violence erupted in Libya causing thousands of deaths and executions, it actually took the UN a whole week of violence to finally step forward and say that it condemns the Libyan leader for his actions.

To read Lilac Sigan's article in full, please go to her blog The Other Side of the Equation.

Yoav Karny
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