"This film is appalling. It cannot be ignored. The eyes see what they see, and this cannot be ignored, said High Court of Justice judges Miriam Naori, Noam Sohlberg, and Yoram Danziger during the hearing into the investigative report, broadcast on Channel 2's "Kolbotek", of conditions at the abattoir of Tnuva Food Industries Ltd. meat subsidiary Adom Adom Ltd. The court heard the petition by NPO Anonymous for Animal Rights and Let the Animals Live regarding the abuse of animals at the abattoir.
The judges ordered the State Prosecutor to update the court within 30 days on the criminal investigation and the filing of an indictment.
Documents filed by the Ministry of Agriculture for the hearing state that, prior to the "Kolbotek" broadcast, Israel had no procedures for the handling of animals at abattoirs or for the prevention of their abuse. The need for such procedures only emerged following the investigative report, but that the ministry has not been able to formulate any procedures in the months following the broadcast.
The investigative report was conducted by Anonymous for Animal Rights activist and journalist Ronen Bar, who got a job at the abattoir, and used a concealed camera to document the severe abuse of animals, including beating lambs and calves with batons and electric prods, dragging them with forklifts, throwing lambs through the air, hanging them while still alive, and their struggles to live.
The documents reveal that Ministry of Agriculture veterinarians who failed in their job to oversee the abattoir kept their jobs. Although Veterinary Services director Dr. Nadav Galon concluded that the veterinarians had not carried out their legal and professional duties, he did not transfer them from their posts.
Adom Adom said in response, "This is an event that occurred months ago. Adom Adom condemns the acts and took immediate and major measures, in full accord with Israeli and Australian regulators. In view of the measures taken, the High Court of Justice asked the petitioner whether it stood by the petition. Adom Adom will continue to meticulously ensure the quality and safety of its products."
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on April 4, 2013
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