In a solidarity strike, the Histadrut (General Federation of Labor in Israel) decided in an emergency session today to shut down Ben Gurion Airport for several hours from 5 am on Tuesday. There will be no arrivals or departures by any carrier, including foreign airlines. The strike will be in solidarity with the strike by employees at Israel's airlines El Al Israel Airlines Ltd. (TASE: ELAL), Arkia Airlines Ltd., and Israir Airlines and Tourism Ltd. against the open skies agreement with the EU that the government approved today. RELATED ARTICLES Open Skies could shoot down FIMI-El Al deal Open Skies will only slightly lower fares Cabinet approves open skies as strike continues Israeli airlines strikebound over open skies El Al brought open skies down on itself The Histadrut also announced that it was considering other measures to protest the government's decision. El Al announced in response that it was cancelling all its flights until further notice. It asked passengers to keep updated from its website about cancelled flights. Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on April 21, 2013 © Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2013