Better Juice sugar reduction process found safe

Better Juice founders Dr. Eran Blachinsky and Gali Yarom  credit: Nisan Haliva
Better Juice founders Dr. Eran Blachinsky and Gali Yarom credit: Nisan Haliva

The company will now submit its technology to the US Food and Drug Administration for review under the GRAS notification program.

Rehovot-based Better Juice, which offers technology to reduce all types of sugars from a wide range of fruit products by up to 80%, has completed a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) procedure for its proprietary process.

"The GRAS determination has been analyzed by an independent Panel of experts qualified by their training and experience to evaluate the safety of food ingredients, particularly the use of novel enzymatic technologies to alter the sugar profile of juices. This determination covers all juice flavors, concentrated juices, and applications containing any type of juice concentrate or puree, as well as the final product and the process itself," the company states.

Having completed the GRAS process, Better Juice will submit its technology to the US Food and Drug Administration for review under the GRAS notification program.

Better Juice co-founder and CEO Gali Yarom said, "Completing GRAS self-determination is a significant milestone for Better Juice, as it validates our technology's safety and efficacy in reducing sugar content by up to 80%. This recognition will enable us to expand our reach and help more food producers create healthier, reduced-sugar products that consumers increasingly demand."

Better Juice was founded in Strauss Group’s The Kitchen FoodTech Hub. It says that its enzymatic sugar reduction process maintains ensures that healthy ingredients such as vitamins, including vitamin C, minerals, organic acids, and fiber, are preserved.

According to a report by Grand View Research cited by Better Juice, the global reduced sugar food and beverages market is expected to reach $79.5 billion by 2028.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on May 21, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Better Juice founders Dr. Eran Blachinsky and Gali Yarom  credit: Nisan Haliva
Better Juice founders Dr. Eran Blachinsky and Gali Yarom credit: Nisan Haliva
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