The local high-tech industry awaits Apple's great event on Tuesday at the company's offices in Herzliya. Apple CEO Tim Cook arrived in Israel without fanfare at the weekend, and is staying at a boutique hotel in central Tel Aviv. Cook, who came to Israel with his life partner, spent Saturday visiting the Tel Aviv Museum of Art.
The object of Cook's visit is to inaugurate Apple's Herzliya offices, where 800 people will work. The offices include a restaurant, a fish pond, and greenery everywhere. Cook will speak at an event on Tuesday to be attended by about a thousand Apple workers from Ra'anana and Haifa as well as Herzliya. People from outside the company are not invited. Apple has tried to keep the event quiet. Senior managers were briefed not to reveal that it was taking place, while more junior employees were not even aware that it would happen, and will receive their invitations only at the last minute. Apple apparently seeks to surprise the employees with Cook's speech.
Apple is a highly secretive company. It does not share information with employees beyond what they need to know. Employees undergo training in how not to reveal to family members and friends what is happening at Apple. The visit to Israel of the CEO is therefore like a secret military operation, which Apple seeks to cloak in mystery. Nevertheless, Cook, who has come to Israel for an extended visit, apparently likes going around Tel Aviv restaurants, enjoying anonymity, since most people here do not recognize him.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on February 16, 2015
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