Bikur Holim units to switch to other hospitals

Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman realized that the money would never materialize.

Sources inform ''Globes'' that Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman, persuaded that the government will not inject more money into Jerusalem's Bikur Holim Hospital, has concluded that the most realistic solution is for Jerusalem hospitals Shaarei Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Organization to operate some of Bikur Holim's wards.

Until recently, Litzman supported the demands of Bikur Holim executives for the government to inject NIS 30 million into the hospital, subject to a recovery plan. But the Ministry of Finance categorically refused, and Litzman realized that the money would never materialize.

Politically, this is a difficult decision for Litzman, as an MK for United Torah Judaism, which represents the haredi (ultra-orthodox) community. Bikur Holim lies in the heart of Jerusalem's haredi community, and Israeli and foreign rabbis and personalities pressed him to save Bikur Holim's independence. Sources in the haredi community say, however, say that the community understood the negligent management of the hospital by haredi NPOs, and that it would be better for the hospital to be managed by hospitals that have proven themselves - Shaarei Zedek and Hadassah.

Litzman also realized that Bikur Holim's staff could not be saved with an occupancy rate of 40%, while Jerusalem's other hospitals sometimes reach an occupancy rate of 150%.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on December 26, 2010

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