"VentureBeat" has named Ehud Shabtai, the founder of mobile GPS navigation company Waze Ltd. as one its "Top Mobile Movers for 2012.".
"VentureBeat" readers will vote on the nominees to pick the top mobile mover.
"VentureBeat" says, "With more than 15 million users, Waze’s traffic data has become reliable enough that it’s even powering local TV traffic reports. The company has also built in Siri-like voice commands, so you can simply wave your hand in front of your phone and ask it to give you traffic reports."
It calls Waze "a driving navigation app with a twist: its maps and traffic data are all supplied by Waze users… More than simply powering a lot of users, Waze has the potential to turn into a real community of people who are crowd sourcing map creation simply by driving around. What’s more, it could potentially make traffic overall flow in a more intelligent way. That’s a development worth getting excited about."
In addition to Shabtai, the nominees are Twitter founder and chairman Jack Dorsey, for his other company, mobile payment solutions developer Square; Angry Birds designer Jaakko Iisalo, because "seldom has one idea led so many millions of people to waste so many millions of hours"; Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) SVP Andy Rubin, the man behind the Android operating system; John Hering, the founder of Android-powered smartphones and tablets, and iPads security solutions developer Lookout Mobile Security; Qualcomm Corporation (Nasdaq: QCOM) CEO Paul Jacobs; Nokia Corporation (NYSE; LSE; HEX: NOK) VP mobile phones unit Mary McDowell; Microsoft Corporation (Nasdaq: MSFT) VP Terry Myerson, who is in charge of the Windows Phone platform; and Urban Airship CEO Scott Kveton.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on March 22, 2012
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