Israel's median gross monthly salary was NIS 6,541, compared with an average gross average salary of NIS 9,149 in 2012, the Central Bureau of Statistics reported today. The average gross hourly pay was NIS 51.60, the average age of a working person was 40.4 years, and the average years of education was 14.
51.4% of employees are men and 48.6% are women. The average gross monthly salary of men was NIS 10,953 and the average gross monthly salary of women was NIS 7,244 - 33.9% less. The median gross monthly salary of men was NIS 7,774 and the average gross monthly salary of women was NIS 5,489 - 29.4% less.
The average gross monthly salary of Jews was NIS 9,721 and the average gross monthly salary of Arabs was NIS 6,029 - 62% less. The median gross monthly salary of Jews was NIS 7,002and the average gross monthly salary of women was NIS 5,275.
Electricity and water workers had the highest gross average monthly salary in 2012, at NIS 18,491. Managers had highest gross average monthly salary among professionals, at NIS 18,021, and they had the longest workweek, averaging 48 hours.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on November 5, 2013
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