Eyal Waldman buys Sde Dov apartments for NIS 50m

Sde Dov inset Eyal Waldman credit: Tali Bogdanovsky
Sde Dov inset Eyal Waldman credit: Tali Bogdanovsky

The Israeli businessman will merge the apartments in Israel Canada's Rainbow project in Tel Aviv into one 550 square meter apartment.

Israeli businessman Eyal Waldman has bought several apartments in  Israel Canada's Rainbow project in Sde Dov in north Tel Aviv, a source close to the deal has told "Globes." Waldman has purchased an entire floor, on one of the highest floors of a planned tower, for NIS 50 million. "Globes" has also learned that Waldman intends merging them a single apartment, covering 550 square meters.

According to the information provided to "Globes," Waldman will be paying NIS 90,000 per square meter, without finishing for the apartment - as he plans merging the apartments into one. This type of deal without finishing and interior design is more usual in the office real estate market.

Waldman is currently the owner and chairman of Waldo Holdings . He founded tech connectivity company Mellanoxm which was sold to Nvidia in 2020 for more than $7 billion. On October 7, Waldman's daughter Danielle and her partner Noam Shay were murdered near the Gaza border by Hamas.

184 apartments in the project have been sold for NIS 1.6 billion

Israel Canada's Rainbow project has 480 housing units and an additional 2,000 square meters of commercial space. The project includes a 39-floor high-rise and six nine-floor buildings. As of May 2024, Israel Canada had sold 184 apartments in the project for an overall NIS 1.6 billion. Apartments have been sold to singer Noa Kirel, who bought a five-room apartment for NIS 10.5 million. The average price per square meter of apartments sold so far has been NIS 82,206.

Construction of the project is about to begin after approval has been received for planning and design and earthworks. According to the company's financial report, the project is due to be completed in 2029. Israel Canada won the tender for the land in 2021 with a bid of NIS 1.307 billion, including development.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - en.globes.co.il - on July 9, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Sde Dov inset Eyal Waldman credit: Tali Bogdanovsky
Sde Dov inset Eyal Waldman credit: Tali Bogdanovsky
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