The Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee has approved for deposit the plans to build 1,830 apartments in a large new neighborhood called the Arnona Slopes east of Arnona and Talpiot. The ara covers 62.5 acres and high rise and terraced apartment buildings are being permitted.
The plans also include preserving archeological sites such as an ancient aqueduct which will be integrated into the neighborhood's landscaping.
The plans call for 60 apartments of no more than 45-sq.m. and 25% of apartments will be no larger than 75-sq.m. The neighborhood will have 38,600-sq.m. of public buildings and 5,200-sq.m. of commercial buildings. Buildings will be limited to 21-floors but because of the hilly topography most buildings will rise no more than 9-floors above street level.
Israel Land Administration Head Benzi Lieberman said, "The Arnona Slopes plan is another example of the efforts the ILA is investing in solving the housing crisis. Even in Israel's capital with limited land reserves we are making efforts to promote and market land that will influence supply and consequently home prices. In Arnona Slopes we have also planned small apartments that will be a solution for young couples that cannot afford larger apartments."
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on August 4, 2014
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