20% of new unemployed won't have jobs after crisis
Pay in Israel's tech sector falls
Pay in Israel's tech sector falls
Israel National Employment Service research unit director Dr. Gal Zohar paints a bleak picture of the job situation after the crisis ends.
The Israel National Employment Service (INES), has announced that 764,165 new jobseekers have registered since the beginning of March, making a total of 922,016 unemployed and an unemployment rate of 22.15%. 90% of those who registered in March were on unpaid leave.
32,577 people have registered as jobseekers since Friday morning.
INES research unit director Dr. Gal Zohar estimates that 20% of those who have gone on unpaid leave won't have a job to go back to after the crisis is over and thousands more will only be offered part time work.
Published by Globes, Israel business news - en.globes.co.il - on March 29, 2020
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unemployment photo: Ariel Yarozlimksy