Delek Group Ltd. (TASE: DLEKG) and Noble Energy Inc. (NYSE: NBL) are set to sign an agreement in the coming days with Antitrust Authority head Dr. David Gilo, who will withdraw his intention of declaring the two partners in Leviathan and Tamar a cartel. In exchange for Gilo's decision, Delek and Noble will agree to sell their rights in the relatively small Karish and Tanin fields. RELATED ARTICLES Delek, Ratio dispute Noble Energy oil estimates Noble: 3 billion barrels of oil at Leviathan, Block 12 Leviathan partners mull leasing rig Noble Energy exec: Leviathan gas only in late 2017 Gov't delaying Leviathan development In contradiction of media reports, as part of the compromise, Delek and Noble Energy will not dilute their stakes in Tamar and Leviathan. Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on December 31, 2013 © Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2013