The Israeli supermodel's branded bikini looks identical to a cheap bikini on eBay.
Bar Refaeli has posted pictures of herself on Facebook and Instagram wearing a bikini and saying "Now in the stores swimwear collection with my design." However, one of the first comments on the Facebook post came from a sharp eyed reader who ridiculed Refaeli by posting a picture of an almost identical swimsuit on sale on eBay for $11 including shipping and making no mention of Refaeli's collection.
The bikini exhibited by Refaeli is part of a new collection for this summer's season called "Bar for Hoodies." The campaign for the swimwear will be officially launched next week and the bikini in question will sell for NIS 135 ($36) - more than triple the price of its eBay clone.
Hoodies said, "We are happy that Bar Refaeli's new Hoodies swimwear collection has already aroused interest even before it is launched."
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on April 27, 2016
© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2016
Bar Refaeli
Ela Levy-Weinrib and Chen Ma'anit