Intel Israel employees to lose phone allowances

Intel Haifa development center credit: Shutterstock
Intel Haifa development center credit: Shutterstock

The phone expenses cut will apply to the 7,000 employees in Intel's development centers in Haifa, Petah Tikva and Jerusalem and not to the 4,000 employees in production plants.

The cuts at Intel continue and today Intel Israel employees have been told that after decades in which their mobile phone bills have been subsidized, the allowance will be halted for development employees, who will now need to pay their own bills. This follows Intel Israel's decision at the beginning of the month to stop providing company cars through leasing companies.

The phone expenses cut will apply to the 7,000 employees in Intel's development centers in Haifa, Petah Tikva and Jerusalem and not to the 4,000 employees in production plants.

As far as is known, Intel Israel production employees in Kiryat Gat will keep the phones that they received from Intel, which will continue to pay the monthly bills. This is probably because the use of phones is more critical for work at the production fabs. In addition, the cut is also not due to affect marketing staff and engineering staff in the field, who are in direct contact with customers, as well as data systems employees who provide direct support to employees. Some members of management at Intel Israel will be allowed to keep their phones and Intel will continue paying the bills.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on September 15, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Intel Haifa development center credit: Shutterstock
Intel Haifa development center credit: Shutterstock
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