The David's Sling defense system against mredium range heavy rockets and missiles will be declared operational within a few weeks. Part of it have been delivered to the Israel air force air defense system. Delivery of components of the system began after it successfully met a series of crucial tests in recent months. Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. is the chief contractor for David's Sling. RELATED ARTICLES Israel's David's Sling missile interceptor passes final test Israel wants $50b US aid over 10 years - report David's Sling to be operational this year The Ministry of Defense today said that the process of delivering David's Sling to the air force would be gradual, in accordance with the development plan for the system. In the first stage, the air force will receive the interception, command and control, and radar systems. Soon after, an orderly testing process for the receipt of all the components will be conducted, until the systems is officially declared operational. The Homa Administration (also known as the Israel Missile Organization) in the Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure noted that the innovative and revolutionary interception system was among the most advanced in the world. The system is intended to be a key element in the multi-layer anti-missile defense system constructed by the defense establishment in recent years. Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 1, 2016 © Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2016