Lod buyers fixed price project set for construction

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Zohar & Zafrir Sharbat won a tender for the construction of 376 housing units.

Another buyer fixed price project is moving towards construction. With the first lottery in the Afula project about to take place, the winners in the Lod tender are also making progress towards obtaining building permits.

Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon came to Lod today to visit the site of the future project in the Achisamach neighborhood, where he took part in a symbolic signing of the building permits for the developers. The buyer fixed price project tetnder for construction of 376 housing units, called Hanahal Towers, was won by Zohar & Zafrir Sharbat.

Kahlon said, "This project proves that things can be different if you want them to be. The housing crisis and the social gaps are not a law of nature. The lotteries in Afula also began today, and within a month, young couples will win the right to buy an apartment at a discount. The housing train is on track and is traveling in the right direction - all it takes is a little time and patience. I'm proud to head a system that is concerned and thinks about the future generation."

Lod Mayor Adv. Yair Revivo added, "This is an important and historic day. We have proven to the entire country that if you really want it, the buyer fixed price plan can be implemented in a short time and young couples can be brought to the town in order to benefit from major discounts on the market price. I thank all the partners from the Israel Land Authority, the Ministry of Internal Affairs planning department, and especially Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon for their support and willingness to help move development forward in the town of Lod. There's no doubt that the housing reforms being promoted by Kahlon and his revolutionary buyer fixed price plan are establishing a new situation - a state of hope for young couples and homeless people in Israel."

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on February 25, 2016

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