Buyer price cuts Dimona apartments to NIS 490,000


Buyers will pay NIS 490,000 for an 80-sq.m. apartment and NIS 900,000 for a 120-sq.m. garden apartment/penthouse.

A third buyer fixed price plan tender in Dimona was closed yesterday. The tender involves 263 plots for housing construction marketed at a discount by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Israel Land Authority. Today's publication of the results show that the tender was only partially successful; of the eight plots in the tender, bids were submitted for only five; three attracted no bids at all.

At the beginning of the month, a buyer fixed price tender for 148 discounted housing units was announced for the Shahar neighborhood in Dimona, but no bids at all were submitted. Earlier, in November 2015, another Dimona fixed price tender in the same neighborhood was closed with six plots and a total supply of 584 housing units. Winners were announced for five of these lots, and one lot remained without bidders.

Two winners were announced in yesterday's tender: Agam Tavor Development and Construction won four lots zoned for construction of a total of 115 housing units, and A. Avel Building and Development (1993) won one lot zoned for 22 housing units. The companies' bids in the tender were close to the maximum price set by the state.

The contractors' bids reflect prices from NIS 550,000 for a net 80-sq.m. apartment, including VAT, and NIS 960,000 for a net 120-sq.m. garden apartment/penthouse, including VAT.

Since future purchasers in Dimona are entitled to a NIS 60,000 grant, the final price that they will have to pay will be NIS 490,000 for an 80-sq.m. apartment and NIS 900,000 for a 120-sq.m. garden apartment/penthouse.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on January 26, 2016

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