Bank Leumi (TASE: LUMI) has appointed Hanan Friedman as its next CEO in place of outgoing Rakefet Russak-Aminoach. The bank's board of directors approved the recommendation of Friedman by the appointments committee, headed by Bank Leumi chairman Dr. Samer Haj Yehia. Friedman is a consensus appointment.
Friedman began working at Bank Leumi five years ago as the bank's legal adviser. He was subsequently promoted, and is currently head of Bank Leumi's strategy and innovation division. Friedman is a sharp and talented manager without conventional banking experience in areas such as business or retail credit. He is the closest candidate to Russak-Aminoach.
In addition to Yehia, the appointments committee contains directors Yoram Gabai, Tamar Gottlieb, Esther Dominissini, and Ohad Marani.
Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on August 27, 2019
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